Monday, December 30, 2019

Essay about Medieval Art in a Modern World - 632 Words

Medieval Art in a Modern World When I was looking at different works of art from the Middle Ages in the Metropolitan Museum of Art (medieval wing), one in particular caught my attention. Entitled â€Å"Plaque with the Crucifixion and the Stabbing of Hades,† this piece embodies life and death, triumph and defeat, divinity and humanity. Carved in ivory, this plaque, depicting the Passion of Christ with an allusion to Hades (god of the underworld), is from the mid-tenth century, or Middle Byzantine era, and was made in Constantinople. The plaque depicts the death of Christ as a triumph over Hades and thus presents a victory for man’s salvation. Centered in the plaque is Christ’s limp body, his head hanging low to the right, arms outstretched,†¦show more content†¦The figures almost seem real, to exist in a three-dimensional world, allowing the viewer to feel some sense of the Passion’s influence on the medieval person. The plaque was obviously carved to glorify Christ and his sacr ifice, along with illustrating the triumph of everlasting life, according to Christianity, over death. Aside from glorifying, the plaque serves as a teaching and reminder of Christ’s love and sacrifice for humanity. When I first saw the plaque, it immediately brought to mind the central position the Church had in medieval society and how religion was a focus of many people’s lives. With the delicate carvings of the scene, in polished ivory, the plaque gives off a sense of major accomplishment and hard work put into its crafting. In looking at the scene, I am automatically caught up in the feeling of conflict and intensity of Christ’s death in defeating Hades. The two contrasting figures are intriguing, the position of Christ’s lifeless body above the tortured Hades providing a complex picture of opposing forces at work in everyone’s life. I am also very interested in the artist’s decision to use Hades, the Greek god of war, in the Crucifixion scene as opposed to Satan. It’s almost as if the artist was hinting at Christianity’s dominance and prevalence over other religions and belief systems. But the artist could also have been implementing a mytho logical god in hisShow MoreRelatedThe Transition Of Medieval And Modern Times1235 Words   |  5 PagesThe transition of Medieval to Modern happened over a long period of time. The middle ages marked a dark time in Europe’s history, and the people were anxious to get out. The Renaissance began, and art emerged to create a brighter society. During the Reformation, the country shifted away from the Roman Catholic Church, and many Protestant religions emerged. The Scientific Revolution also marked a change in medical to modern by creating new ways to look at the world and mathematics. 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